H2 Grills : Hydrogen Grilling and BBQ

A Hydrogen Grill  +  A Home Hydrogen Generator  

H2 Grills and Ion Fuels have worked together to produce an open-flame hydrogen grill and refueling station. Providing limitless and sustainable green cooking. “Hydrogen burns clean, and leaves your food tasting better, and juicier than traditional barbeque methods.

The Ion Fuels H2Q Electrolyzer

a cleaner way to grill

a cooking tradition  powered by hydrogen – a clean abundant fuel source 

Hydrogen is the most commonly occurring element in nature, unlike fossil fuels it will never deplete the earths natural resources. Until now traditional means of grilling consisted of fuels such as propane, natural gas, charcoal, and wood pellets. Unlike these fuels Hydrogen when burned does not produce carbon monoxide but rather water vapor. Offering you a safe clean cooking technology that allows you to taste the food and not the fuel.  

an integrated system with unlimited potential

home hydrogen production = limitless energy 

Introducing the next generation of energy production and home energy storage. A hydrogen electrolyzer that uses the power of the sun to produce sustainable, reliable fuel for your home or business  Developed In harmony with ION- Fuels. The ION fuel system  has the ability to provide fuel for your grill and sustainable energy for your home when you need it.

Rocky Mountains

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